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WelCome!!! SHallom!!

Hello and shallom to you all!! I make this blog 'coz Im really proud to be Dusun's :)...don't worry...this site doesn't contain any perkara yang boleh menyinggung perasaan antara satu sama lain..Sesiapa juga boleh melawati blog ini :)

We are one...Stay out Of VIOLENCE!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Putri Karmel Kaingaran,Tambunan

Non Muslim's Only

Just enjoy this picture..
Taken from Tambunan
LOM Sunsuron visiting Putri Karmel,Tambunan. SMile!

Gunung Kolindasan,Sunsuron

Woah..i've got photos..well a few only >> from my hometown which I captured during "Ralan Salip" in Sunsuron.

ALl of these picture>> taken from Gunung Kolindasan where "Ralan Salip" was held.
The smile.."tiredness"..well we can't even say it coz its to much fun!! Yeay..well,beside feeling tired and sleepy we're happy..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kesinambungan Kamatan Mukim SUnsuron

Halu antara picture y sa uplod from Constantine Vitus and Debbie nuil's Facebook..This picture are theirs so don't steal it..hahah..Constantine Vitus is also a profesional photographer and we should thanked Him for the Picture...yup...see and comment if you like!! Tq

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